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DPG Blogs

'God's Approval is Enough'

Updated: Feb 8, 2023

When you are faced with a decision, that causes you to dwell on what others may think of you, focus on what God thinks of you because his approval is all that we need.

Sometimes following God's word and plan for your life my cause eye brows to raise. Some people may even talk you out of doing things because of their own personal fear.

Being 'Be-YOU-tiful' is having confidence in the word of God spoken in your life.

How do you know you are following God's call?

Here are three tips to use to know you are walking in God's Plan:

  1. Consistent Prayer; Sometimes life gets in the way and it is easy to lose track of your time. But it is important to make time to pray and pray often to know you are aligned with the Word of God and that he is truly ordering your steps.

  2. Study the Word of God; Thoroughly study the word to deepen your understanding about your walk with Christ. With deeper understanding it will empower you to stick to what you need to do to stay aligned.

  3. Be Confident; Trust the Word. Trust God's Plan and walk confidently in it.

Stay Blessed and Highly Favoured

DPG Blogs


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